| The Nature Imagery of Marco Sipriaso


Rough sketches, outtakes, thoughts and random notes about my time in the field.

Local Autumn Walks

Fall is easily my favorite time of year to be outside and to try and make images. Each year in late spring I begin to plan out options for the fall. This year it would include a return trip to Zion National Park for early November. However, different from years past I wanted to also explore my local area. This could be a fun little project. So for three weekends in October, I explored locally to see what I would see. I was happily surprised with my experience. As much as I do enjoy making those trips to the iconic areas in California and the neighboring states for fall color, there is something truly special about experiencing the fall in your own stomping grounds. While I know I am not the first nor the last to visit these places for fall imagery, it did feel like my own little secret slice of paradise. Below are my favorite images from those local autumn walks.

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