| The Nature Imagery of Marco Sipriaso


Rough sketches, outtakes, thoughts and random notes about my time in the field.

Winter is Coming

Winter is coming and I couldn’t be happier. I recently listened to a conversation with some really talented photographers about winter photography. They shared many stories from the field and tips to make for a more enjoyable and safe experience. It got me really excited about doing some photography over the next few months.

Lately I have felt like I have gotten my creative groove back. I have been doing a lot of shooting around the neighborhoods spots here in San Diego. An hour here, an hour there has added up to some recent work that I am really proud of. It has spawned a new project that I hope to release in the coming months. I have also been able to add a few images to another really long term project that I plan on releasing in the fall of 2023 (more on that one later).

Below is a few teaser images for an upcoming project that I have been working on lately.

Thanks for reading. Hope you all are well. Happy shooting! - Marco

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