| The Nature Imagery of Marco Sipriaso


Rough sketches, outtakes, thoughts and random notes about my time in the field.

Campus Tour

Over the last few months I have been wanting to revisit some old photography locations to see how I would respond to them from a creative standpoint. When I first started shooting, I would visit all the local college campuses in San Diego and Los Angeles. The architecture on these campuses were so fascinating to me and I really enjoyed experimenting with compositions using the interesting colors, lines and forms.

One of my favorite places to visit was the University of California San Diego campus. I have always enjoyed walking around and looking at the architecture and installations sprinkled around the campus. They are probably most known for the Geisel Library in the center of campus. It was completed in 1970 by architect William Pereira. It’s unique design has been featured and referenced in various movies and books.

I spent one afternoon revisiting Geisel Library and the other interesting buildings on campus. It was fun revisiting the campus with the Bronica. Surprisingly, I went through three rolls of Kodak Ektar that afternoon. It brought back fond memories of past trips shooting at night with friends. I missed shooting architecture. This visit got me thinking… maybe I should do a project on just college architecture? It would be a nice break from all the nature and intimate scenes I have been doing. It would be interesting how differently I would see these places again after all these years. Ya know, I think i’m going to do it.

In the meantime, here are some of my favorite images from my visit to University of California San Diego on August 7, 2021. - Marco

Marco Sipriaso