| The Nature Imagery of Marco Sipriaso

Tomorrow Will Dawn New Stories

Tomorrow Will Dawn New Stories

September 1, 2023

This past July, I was able to find quiet time at the beach. An hour here, an hour there; the perfect amount of time for me to get away before the family awakens. I went to clear my head, sorting through the many emotions from recent life and professional events. Change, it’s inevitable; sometimes sad, sometimes scary but it also always opens a window of growth and new beginnings. And so I walked, quietly along the beach. I brought my camera along with hopes that potentially making an image or two would help clear my head.

During those morning walks, I took notice to the interesting patterns of seaweed washed ashore from the night before. I began to see the elegant gestural lines and wonderful forms within the larger bundles. I noticed the variety of colors ranging from greens, reds, yellows and deep browns. Each day, the patterns changed, the lines were redrawn and new beauty was once again rewritten along the shore.

With each new day, there is change. With change is the opportunity to write the next beautiful chapter. As with these seaside scenes, tomorrow will dawn new stories, some just as beautiful but in their own special way.

This is a study of the wonderful writings I saw along the coastline in July of 2023.

All photographs copyright Marco Sipriaso ©2024